Wow. I really like this game. Deadly 30 is a tower defense
game for the most part. For 30 days and 30 nights, the player travels around
looking for materials during the day and defending their base camp at night.
Scrap metal can be found to build better gear and defenses. The art work is
okay. It looks a little campy at times but it does the job. The voice acting
sounds like it was done in-house. At first glance, it’s a pretty run of the
mill indie tower defense production with zombies.

The aiming and shooting feel really tight. Crouching and
aiming for the head both increase damage so it really feels like the player has
to shoot AT the zombies instead of just in their general direction. Usually I
really don’t like it when side-scrollers make the reticle follow the mouse
because it makes it impossible to use Joy2Key to get Gamepad action going. But
Deadly 30’s aiming hot zones make it feel appropriate to use the mouse and
All in all, this is a fun game. Is it perfect? No not
really. But it’s fun. Deadly30 is 5 bucks regular price.
really loved that game