Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pay What You Want - Indie Royale Bundle

    A new company has decided to enter the "pay what you want" bundle market. Indie Royale has packed together four premium indie games together. (Sanctum, Gemini Rue, ARES, and Nimbus) The way they are doing it, the minimum value started at 2.00. The more people pay, the less the minimum is. The less people pay, the more the minimum is. Because of this, the price is slowly rising, so make sure you get in on it quickly.

   3 of the four games are redeemable on Steam and there are rumors that the fourth will have a Steam key added later. (Though I can't confirm this.) Also, they have had some technical issues with the keys so make sure you bookmark your page once you buy it. Enjoy everyone!

   Go check out Indie Royale here.

Tiger Claw Radio #89 - Life Support & Legos

Episode 89 is here!

Download Episode 89 Here

Deal of the Week - Berzerk (Atari 2600) - 3.99 - Use Discount Code TCR to get 20% off!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quake 1 Night Oct 17th

On game night, go to the forums of Glitched-Out. See ya there!

Critical Failure appears on The Beastcast #5

Yep. It's true. As the Beastcast aproches it's "Magic 7" episode, or the episode where podcasts commonly reach maturity, it has been getting really good pretty quickly. I'm glad to say I was a part of this one. Check it out here.

The Binding of Isaac

I made a review of "The Binding of Isaac" for ClassicL337. Thanks again to Tony for providing me with a copy of the game.

Tiger Claw Radio #87

Back in the saddle again. Welcome to episode 87 of Tiger Claw Radio!

Download Episode 87 here

Team Fortress Arcade